Go My Wayな stuart日記-BayBridge

It's almost 1 year since I wroted the blog on Jijieigo.

I'm very sorry for not updating the blog for a looooooog time.

It's a night view of Yokohama. I visited there on Friday, May 15th, 2009.

The location of Yokohama Skywalk is in Daikoku Futo Area. It's one of my favorite place. Have you ever been there? Skywalk is the facility under the Yokohama Bay Bridge.

Go My Wayな stuart日記-MinatoM
↑Minato Mirai Area.
Go My Wayな stuart日記-Skywalk
↑Inside the Skywalk. It's the facility under the Bay Bridge.
Go My Wayな stuart日記-MarinTower
↑Marin Tower will open on June 2nd. It's 150th anniversary of Yokohama Port.

Go My Wayな stuart日記-Chiba
↑The view of Chiba from Yokohama.